gpark8   An historical travel blog, where  you travel both in history and in place. It is not meant to be a Caribbean cruise but a true exploration of the past and the present.    American Constitutional Issues, the misuse of governmental power, and the misuse of corporate wealth.  How does […]

Parkoffletter Internet Sites   An historical travel blog, where  you travel both in history and in place. It is not meant to be a Caribbean cruise but a true exploration of the past and the present.    American Constitutional Issues, the misuse of governmental power, and the misuse of corporate wealth.  How does […]

The Parkoffletter Internet Sites

  LOST AT SCHOOL The premise of this book is that kids with behavioral challenges lack important thinking skills, an idea supported by research in the neurosciences over the past thirty years on kids who are aggressive and have difficulty getting along with people and those diagnosed with ADHD, mood […]

Ross Greene on Challenging Children

See how how Ritalin chemically affects the brain. Also view Dr. Peter Breggin’s testimony before the House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs.  Click here. “Adolescent addiction is particularly pernicious because over a long period of usage, the brain responds to the hyperactivity of dopamine by reducing dopamine receptors, and a loss […]

Ritalin, The Brain, and Psychiatric Drugs